Local Joint Committee Representatives

ICD HUB Address:

1 South Linden St.
Duquesne, PA 15110

  • Turn right on Rt. 837 North and continue driving north.
  • As you approach the Duquesne-McKeesport bridge, stay to the right and continue driving under the bridge on Rt. 837 North.
  • At the third traffic signal, make a right onto East Grant Avenue crossing the railroad tracks into the RIDC City Center of Duquesne (marked by a large blue sign).
  • The first intersection is Linden Street. Make a right on Linden and the first left turn into the HUB parking lot.
  • Take Philip Murray Road to Rt. 837 North.
  • Make left turn on Rt. 837 North and continue driving north.
    As you approach the Duquesne-McKeesport bridge, stay to the right and continue driving under the bridge on Rt. 837 North.
  • At the third traffic signal, make a right onto East Grant Avenue crossing the railroad tracks into the RIDC City Center of Duquesne (marked by a large blue sign).
  • The first intersection is Linden Street. Make a right on Linden and the first left turn into the HUB parking lot.
  • Turn right onto Braddock Ave through stops signs and continue onto a four lane boulevard. At the 3 way stop sign, make right onto East Pittsburgh/McKeesport Boulevard.
  • East Pittsburgh/McKeesport Boulevard becomes Bowman Avenue up the hill, through several traffic lights and down bricked surfaces (about 3-4 miles).
  • At “Y in the road”, stay right onto the Duquesne Bridge and continue on Rt. 837 North.
  • At the fourth traffic signal, make a right onto East Grant Avenue crossing the railroad tracks into the RIDC City Center of Duquesne (marked by a large blue sign).
  • The first intersection is Linden Street. Make a right on Linden and the first left turn into the HUB parking lot.

Have a question or comment? Contact the ICD today!

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